About nVeil

nVeil was first designed and built by this team at Storek Studio as an optical

video display filter, now developed as Mac-based veil maker and image processor

apps. It was  inspired by seeing the blurred glow from a television, seen at long distance, displaying (unintended) abstract color and motion, a new visual resource to be explored!




with any image, or video:

nVeil mixes simple line art, the veil:

harmonizes color, and produces variations of this:


The source image provides the color and motion (with video). The core feature

of nVeil, the veil, comes from a vector graphic (SVG), a line-drawing composed

of closed cells which filter the image in real time. Select one from the library of

100 veils, or easily create your own with a vector graphic editor, such as Adobe

Illustrator, Inkscape or CorelDraw .




 • Color-Add (assign fixed colors to selected cells, vary the transparency)

 • Music mystery synch (most music and most nVeiled video appear synched: proximal events)

 • Harmonized palette (source image is adjusted for color harmony)

 • Inverse Color (reverse source colors in selected cells)

 • Pass-through (source shows unVeiled in selected cells)

 • Variable video play speeds

 • Cell Border Rendering (visible, adjustable width paths)

 • Border Rendering Only (all cell interiors are rendered black)

 • Frame accumulation (slows, smooths the video action)

 • Live Video (HD web cam or iSight camera as the image source)

 • Export video or stills (tiff, jpg or png)


(see SETTINGS for some examples)


nVeil contains two separate applications: nVmaker, which creates new veils from

vector line drawings which are stored in the LIBRARY folder, and nVplayer which

applies the veil to your imagery. It includes the controls to modify the rendered image,

and exports the results. The User Manual explains the operation, use of the features,

visual effects controls and the creation of new veils.


About Storek Studio


Working in the San Francisco Bay Area, Storek Studio is an architectural design/build

firm (new, and venerable historic buildings) working also in software development, product

design and the visual arts. As Storek & Storek / Architecture / San Francisco we designed

and built the first Mac facility, and redesigned the Apple II facility, back when ...and, more

important,  we hold the record for most Best-in-Show in San Francisco's annual sandcastle

competition on the beach between architecture firms.